Do you have any idea how difficult it is for senior people to use modern smartphones, gadgets and all kinds of messengers? Not many of them can use them? Those who can’t, communicate less. The less we talk to each other, the more distant we become, the more lonely our parents and grandparents feel.
To avoid that we need to teach them to use Skype or some other messenger. But it is also a challenge. And even more of a challenge if a senior person is disabled and can’t hold a cell phone or a tablet in his/her hands to make a video call. It’s quite a problem.
Visiting a few nursing houses and senior assisted living communities in Naples and Fort Myers in Florida, we saw a lot of lonely people.
Of course, there are nurses and doctors to take care of them but too often they lack communication with their friends and dear ones who are somewhere else.
A simple iPad or a 10 inch Android tablet is not a 100% solution for them to keep in touch with their friends and relatives. Because:
These are only a few issues every person faces now and then, but they are annoying enough to make an experienced user of communication devices feel helpless. Endurance found the solution. Endurance knows how to upgrade a smartphone device to make it more user-friendly and easy for every person whatever experienced or unexperienced theay are.
This solution is called SelfieBot. A smart hardware gadget that turns a cell phone or a tablet into a smart robot.
With a SelfieBot you can set Skype in an automatic reply mode. No more need to rush to click an answer button. No more bothering about charging it in time.
A SelfieBot will keep a smartphone or a tablet always charged since it has a wireless charger. But the key features of the SelfieBot is the «follow me» function аnd a rotating mount holding a smartphone (tablet) device enabling it to always keep the user in focus.
The «follow me» function is a real miracle! No need to sit still in front of the camera. An additional tool is a remote control.
The distant interlocuter can rotate a smartphone with a camera while skyping to a SelfieBot user or using any other messenger.
It means that placing a SelfieBot in a living room of your parents or grandparents you can call them any time just to say «hello». And the SelfieBot will connect you with them, answering for them and showing them to you. Your interlocuter will not have to do anything but to speak. No need to look for the telephone left do-not-know where. No need to rush to answer the call. No need to pick up it. Do you remember your feelings when first hands-free devices for voice calls appeared? It was a revolutionary step forward.
Our SelfieBot makes another step forward creating an extra dimension for video calls. We believe that the Endurance SelfieBot will make the life of senior people more comfortable and will let them feel closer to their friends and family.
Buy a SelfieBot for your parents or grandparents. Place it their home to make their communication and video calls easier, to expand the horizon of their life.